Friday, March 8, 2024Even considering the possibility that one of your children might die is enough to bring some to tears. It's not a pleasant thought, but for too many people, it's a sad reality. Complications from a birth defect, a car accident, SIDS, childhood cancer. They're unfortunate realities that far too many parents have to face. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 9, 2024Business owners need insurance, but different operations can take different routes to wind up with the appropriate coverage. For small business owners, part of their insurance solutions might be achievable by investing in a business owners policy. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 10, 2024Keeping employees safe on an outdoor job is a priority for all companies. To achieve this, you need business insurance. A key component of your plan should be workers' compensation insurance. It helps cover the costs when an employee suffers an injury or an illness. READ MORE >>
Thursday, December 28, 2023Builders risk insurance is vital coverage for real estate development and construction projects. This specialized form of insurance helps provide financial protection for property owners, contractors and developers during the construction phase of a project. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 8, 2023Why would a person who just turned 20 want to buy life insurance? Why would a young couple with two young children need to have a policy? Is there any reason for a retired person on Social Security to have life insurance? While not everyone who is in a similar situation as described above needs life insurance, most can benefit by having coverage. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 16, 2023Having general liability insurance helps demonstrate your company is responsible and dedicated. When it comes to choosing who to do business with, your clients may require it. It is always a good idea to choose a policy that accurately reflects risks. Having too much does not help. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 14, 2023If a storm, tornado or flood destroyed your workplace tomorrow, what would happen to the business? Preparing for catastrophe is something that all business owners should consider well before forecasts call for bad weather. Your independent insurance agent likely has contacts and resources that can help you prepare for Mother Nature’s worst. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 23, 2023What does a business owners policy (BOP) cover? It is one of the most frequently asked questions about business insurance. It provides you with valuable protection when it comes to operating your company. Many insurers offer this type of policy. It works to combine some of the most important protections most companies need. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 4, 2023You never want a customer to experience a problem with your business services. However, there is no guarantee that they won’t. And, if someone experiences a problem in the business, then they might blame you for the problem. That’s why you likely need liability insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 14, 2023We all know that the weather is fickle and can ruin a picnic or a vacation. Having those events ruined is no fun, plus it's inconvenient. But for a farmer, the fickle weather can be much more than inconvenient; it can be devastating. Weather can ruin a crop or reduce the yield. So, what can a farmer do for protection? READ MORE >>
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