Thursday, January 5, 2023Home break-ins are all too common, especially during the daytime on weekdays when most people are away at their jobs. Home break-ins are also most frequent during the warm months of the year. However, many break-ins are preventable by increasing your home security. Use these tips to protect your property. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 28, 2022Winter is on its way, and a blizzard or two might very well be in the forecast. Your homeowners insurance generally will cover the roof damage, burst pipes and wind damage that blizzards may cause. However, blizzards might exacerbate pre-existing problems in your home. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 25, 2022If you're like many homeowners, there's probably been a break-in in your neighborhood at some point and it made you think about installing a security system. In the United States, there are over two million home burglaries reported every year, so it's wise to consider some type of alarm. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 27, 2022Picking the right homeowners insurance coverage for your home is vital. After all, in addition to your mortgage, you have a significant investment in your home, from closing costs, renovations, additions and improvements you've made. There are six different types of homeowners policies, the most popular being HO3. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 15, 2022For many, home insurance is mostly about protecting the home and personal belongings from damage or loss. The liability part of home insurance isn't always given as much careful consideration. This could be in part because people feel that most guests don't sue their hosts. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 19, 2021Most of us don't fret too much over a winter storm. In most cases, it blows through and life is back to normal in a day or two. But in more severe situations, heavy snow, ice or wind can knock down electric lines, leading to a power loss in homes that depend on it for heat. READ MORE >>
Thursday, June 24, 2021There's nothing worse than coming home to find that your living space has been burglarized. While having homeowners insurance softens the blow, you would have been far better off had the incident never happened in the first place. Try these steps to prevent home burglary from happening to you. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 29, 2021 Does Home Insurance Cover Items Stored In The Garage When you bought your home, you probably had a very specific idea about how you would use your garage. Some people not only use it to park the car in, but also store various belongings inside it, too. READ MORE >>
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