Monday, October 16, 2023Having general liability insurance helps demonstrate your company is responsible and dedicated. When it comes to choosing who to do business with, your clients may require it. It is always a good idea to choose a policy that accurately reflects risks. Having too much does not help. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 14, 2023If a storm, tornado or flood destroyed your workplace tomorrow, what would happen to the business? Preparing for catastrophe is something that all business owners should consider well before forecasts call for bad weather. Your independent insurance agent likely has contacts and resources that can help you prepare for Mother Nature’s worst. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 23, 2023What does a business owners policy (BOP) cover? It is one of the most frequently asked questions about business insurance. It provides you with valuable protection when it comes to operating your company. Many insurers offer this type of policy. It works to combine some of the most important protections most companies need. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 4, 2023You never want a customer to experience a problem with your business services. However, there is no guarantee that they won’t. And, if someone experiences a problem in the business, then they might blame you for the problem. That’s why you likely need liability insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 29, 2023Workers compensation insurance helps give you the financial protection against medical bills and lost time at work should an employee be injured on the job. However, the right business insurance provider can not only help cover those costs, but can also help to minimize the risk of injury at your workplace. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 15, 2023While most small business owners understand the need for certain insurance policies, many overlook the importance of cyber liability insurance. It’s easy to hear about a cyberattack on the news and think, “Oh, that’ll never happen to me. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 17, 2022Commercial property insurance is often thought to be coverage on the actual business you own. That's part of what it usually covers, but not everything. Many times, businesses fail to see the true value these policies can offer because they don't know the full extent of the coverage and protection. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 27, 2022Workers compensation insurance, whether it is a legally required type of insurance or one that your business selects because of its financial benefits, is can be an important financial protection. This type of plan can offer financial protection for your business to cover the losses of your employees if they become ill or are injured on the job. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 18, 2022those risks, they always exist. In this article, we discuss three of the most common business risks and what you can do to prevent them from affecting your livelihood. 1. Property Storms and natural disasters can cause massive destruction to your business’ building, while thieves and vandals can steal and damage smaller amounts of business property. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 17, 2022A Business Owner Policy, or BOP, provides financial coverage for many businesses. This is a simple, streamlined form of business insurance. It usually gives companies the ability to keep costs low. However, it often provides for most needs. Before renewing this policy, take a closer look at it. READ MORE >>
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